All posts tagged: Trivandrum

Premium Striped SkipJack Tuna / Choora

Premium Striped SkipJack Tuna / Choora – is now available at What would the world do without the humble tuna? Easily among the largest consumed food in the world. We provide you the fresh, right off the boat avatar and not the many months old canned variety. The Premium striped Tuna is a very tasty sub species that is considered to be tastier than the regular Tuna.

Tiny Soft-Shelled Prawns / Cheriya Chemmeen

Tiny Soft-Shelled Prawns / Cheriya Chemmeen – is now available at Fresh Tiny Prawns belonging to the Thelly Chemmeen variety, great for curries and fries. These are hard to source, generally found in the estuaries and considered a delicacy. Most people prefer to just remove the head & whiskers and cook without removing the Shell or tail, making it easy to clean. Editors Recipe Recommendation: Tiny prawns curry with raw mangoes!