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MRP: ₹475.00/pack
USP: ₹1.58/g
Sale price: ₹299.00/pack
₹475.00 ₹475.00
Special Price ₹299.00 ₹299.00 /pack /pack
Storage Instructions:
Always store in deep freezer at -18°C or below
Marketed By:
Freshtohome Foods Private Limited
No.201, 2nd FLOOR, Carlton Towers No.1,
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560008
FSSAI Lic. No. 11221999000168
Cooking Instruction:
* In a thick bottomed sauce pan add 1 tbsp full refined oil and heat up. * Unpack the Burmese prawn curry packet to a bowl and scrap the contents of the pouch to the bowl. * Once the pan and oil is hot slide the marinated prawns in the bowl to the pan. * Saute the prawns for a few minutes not allowing the masala to stick to the pan. * Warm 200 ml of water and add to the pan in which the prawns are getting sauteed. * Mix the water and the prawn masala well and allow to cook on a slow flame. * Check the thickness of the gravy and switch off the flame. * Transfer to a serving bowl and serve along with plain steamed or coconut rice. Note: Prawns takes few minutes to cook and cooking longer only makes the prawn rubbery and chewy.
Burmese Prawn Curry (300g Pack)
300g Pack
300g Pack
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