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MRP: ₹209.00/500g
USP: ₹0.42/g
Sale price: ₹149.00/500g
₹209.00 ₹418.00
Special Price ₹149.00 ₹298.00 /500g /Kg
Just like Anchovies in taste but with a Golden streak in looks. Tastes the same and can be crispy fried or curried to your liking. Easily among the most tastiest marine fish and good source of Vitamins and other nutrients. Tastes great regardless of how you cook it, although our personal choice is crispy fried and eaten with the small soft bone!
Storage Instructions:
Store under refrigeration at 4°C or below, in hygienic conditions
Marketed By:
Freshtohome Foods Private Limited
No.201, 2nd FLOOR, Carlton Towers No.1,
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560008
FSSAI Lic. No. 11221999000168
Golden Anchovy / Mandeli / Amudi/ Amodi / Golden Natholi (100+ Count/kg)
Out of stock
Whole Cleaned
Whole Cleaned
Out of stock
Small pelagic fish with high nutritional value, good fatty acid content and good source of Vitamins.