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MRP: ₹249.00/pack
USP: ₹1.00/g
Sale price: ₹125.00/pack
₹249.00 ₹249.00
Special Price ₹125.00 ₹125.00 /pack /pack
Freshly caught, succulent Prawns coated with Panko crumbs, ready to be fried into crunchy golden treats. Commonly known as ‘Ebi Fry’ this Japanese finger food is irresistibly delicious.
Ingredients : Tail on Prawns, Mustard paste, Lime juice, Salt, Pepper, Egg and Panko crumbs.
Cooking Instructions: Heat oil in a deep-fry pan. Drop the crumbed Prawns into the hot oil and fry till golden brown. Make sure the oil is not too hot so that the inside gets cooked well
Ingredients : Tail on Prawns, Mustard paste, Lime juice, Salt, Pepper, Egg and Panko crumbs.
Cooking Instructions: Heat oil in a deep-fry pan. Drop the crumbed Prawns into the hot oil and fry till golden brown. Make sure the oil is not too hot so that the inside gets cooked well
Storage Instructions:
Always store in deep freezer at -18°C or below
Marketed By:
Freshtohome Foods Private Limited
No.201, 2nd FLOOR, Carlton Towers No.1,
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560008
FSSAI Lic. No. 11221999000168
Panko Crumbed Prawns
Pack of 8 pieces (100g to 125g)
Pack of 8 pieces (100g to 125g)
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