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MRP: ₹1,988.00/pack
USP: ₹14.20/g
Sale price: ₹1,898.00/pack
₹1,988.00 ₹1,988.00
Special Price ₹1,898.00 ₹1,898.00 /pack /pack
Country of Orgin : Scotland, UK
Smoked Salmon is tender, slightly salty and sweet fish, known worldwide for it’s incredible health benefits due to it’s healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
A 140g serving will be sufficent to feed 2 adults as part of a salmon salad, in wraps or alongside a more traditional dish of scrambled eggs with caviar.
Nutritional Values (per 100g, and as a % of a 2000 calorie adult diet)
Calories 180kcal (9%)
Carbohydrates 0g
Protein 23g (46%)
Total Fat 10g (13%),
Vitamin D 8.9ug (45%)
Omega 3 fatty acids 2.2g
Vitamin B3 13.7mg (86%)
Vitamin B12 3.2ug (133%)
Salmon has a high worldwide demand.
Smoked Salmon is tender, slightly salty and sweet fish, known worldwide for it’s incredible health benefits due to it’s healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
A 140g serving will be sufficent to feed 2 adults as part of a salmon salad, in wraps or alongside a more traditional dish of scrambled eggs with caviar.
Nutritional Values (per 100g, and as a % of a 2000 calorie adult diet)
Calories 180kcal (9%)
Carbohydrates 0g
Protein 23g (46%)
Total Fat 10g (13%),
Vitamin D 8.9ug (45%)
Omega 3 fatty acids 2.2g
Vitamin B3 13.7mg (86%)
Vitamin B12 3.2ug (133%)
Salmon has a high worldwide demand.
Storage Instructions:
Store under refrigeration at 4°C or below, in hygienic conditions
Marketed By:
Freshtohome Foods Private Limited
No.201, 2nd FLOOR, Carlton Towers No.1,
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560008
FSSAI Lic. No. 11221999000168
Smoked Scottish Salmon
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