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MRP: ₹169.00/500g
USP: ₹0.34/g
Sale price: ₹149.00/500g
₹169.00 ₹338.00
Special Price ₹149.00 ₹298.00 /500g /Kg
Straight from the farm - no antibiotics or other bad stuff. Tender & tastier than local market chicken
Storage Instructions:
Store under refrigeration at 4°C or below, in hygienic conditions
Marketed By:
Freshtohome Foods Private Limited
No.201, 2nd FLOOR, Carlton Towers No.1,
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli,
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka - 560008
FSSAI Lic. No. 11221999000168
Premium Tender & Antibiotic-residue-free Tandoori Spring Chicken (Skinless) (550g to 700g)
Curry Cut
Curry Cut
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Out of stock
Naturally reared birds that are tender and have extremely tasty meat. Absolute guarantee that no anti-biotic residue remains in the chicken. No growth promoters have been used on the birds and these are processed in absolutely modern hygienic conditions in a HACCP certified processing centre.